There is a misconception that mass crusade evangelism is not effective nowadays. This is a misunderstanding that we want to help clarify in the coming months.
First and foremost, we believe that all methods of sharing the Gospel are equally valuable and eternally effective. Why? Because it all boils down to obeying Jesus’ command found in Matthew 28. Each of us has been commissioned to carry out this task, and He alone knows how to accomplish it effectively.
As Favuzza Missions, we believe God uniquely called us to campaign evangelism, based on our testimony. There are many other evangelistic ministries with similar testimonies and callings. In Douglas’s case, God called him to crusade evangelism in a vision the same week he became a Christian. After an encounter with the Lord, He revealed to him that his mission was to take His gospel to the nations, and evangelistic campaigns were one of the ways to fulfill that mission. Even though Doug had never seen a crusade before, in his encounter, the Lord showed him one in a vision. And it is this encounter that continues to influence Douglas’s and my vision and purpose to this day. No one can tell us that evangelistic campaigns are useless or inefficient because Jesus Himself has already told us that it is part of His plan to reach the world.
Just as we and many others, our testimonies are not something we invented but something the Lord specifically showed us to do. And despite misunderstandings about the effectiveness of campaigns, we want to remind the local church that we cannot pretend to think we have better ideas for reaching this world than Jesus Himself. The Lord knows what He’s doing, and if this is one of the ways He wants to do it, He knows why. And His ways are perfect!
Our goal for the coming months is to share posts that highlight the importance and impact of evangelistic campaigns, and why Christians need to fight against misunderstandings and actively seek to participate in evangelistic crusades in their communities, or at least understand their purpose and importance in the great commission. God wants to challenge us and encourage us, He wants to use us all in His harvest!