Co-evangelist & Crusade Coordinator
Brief info

Silvana has been with Favuzza Missions for over seven years. While in South Korea, she was called by the Lord to join evangelists Douglas and Brittany Favuzza in Argentina. Since then, she has coordinated local and citywide evangelistic events in Argentina and Latin America, along with discipleship and evangelism training.

Silvana came to the Lord at the age of 31 in Las Vegas, and her life radically changed forever. A month later, the day she was water baptized, she had a vision of the Lord Jesus, received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and was commissioned by the Lord to bring his word to the nations, telling her, “What happened in Las Vegas with your life the whole world will know.” Since that transformative day, her passion has been to bring the good news of salvation to the streets, hospitals, prisons, cities, nations and anywhere the Lord calls her!

Silvana has had the privilege to have served as a youth leader, discipleship leader, homeless outreach responsible and evangelist for over fifteen years. Her ministry has always been to reach out and help those in vulnerable situations, such as those suffering from addiction, human trafficking, and homelessness. She has been an active member and serves in the International Church of Las Vegas (ICLV) and King of kings church with Pastor Claudio Freidzon in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since 2005. She has been a facilitator for Haggai International Ministries since 2015 and served as president of Haggai Argentina since 2019-2022, focusing on equipping and inspiring strategically positioned leaders to demonstrate effectively and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their spheres of influence and help them prepare others to do the same. She has a theology degree from the IBE King of kings Bible Institute with the Union of the Assemblies of God in Buenos Aires, Argentina (UAD). Her evangelistic training was completed at Billy Graham School of Evangelism (SOE). Silvana is also a professional translator for many Christian ministries and an independent businesswoman. She lives in Argentina with her husband Calvin, who both have the heart to see Argentina and Africa saved by Jesus.

Silvana has been part of the Favuzza Missions Ministry for more than seven years. While in South Korea, the Lord called her to serve alongside evangelists Douglas and Brittany Favuzza in her own country, Argentina. Since then, she has served in the general coordination of local and citywide evangelistic crusades in Argentina and other countries of Latin America with local churches and in discipleship and evangelism trainings.